Church Social Events

We run the following social mid-week events in the Centre and Cafe to help serve our local community.

Tuesday Get Together

Looking for friendship or company?  Why not come along to Tuesday get Together!

Drop in and meet old friends and make new ones.  A warm welcome awaits. Free Tea & Coffee provided.

Tuesdays 10 am – 12 noon in Café Siena.

Thursday & Friday Lunch

The café opens at 10:00am every Thursday and Friday for tea, coffee and snacks.  Lunch is served 12noon to 2pm.

For a reasonable price you can buy simple wholesome fare of soup, rolls, sandwiches and home-made cakes.  Click here for a sample menu.

Meet friends in a friendly atmosphere.

On Fridays, you are invited to join Friday Friends after eating with us.

Friday Friends

Meets from 2.00 – 4.00 pm every Friday.

With a range of activities including light exercise, craft, table-top games, signing and tea and cake, all in a safe, warm and friendly environment.

The sessions are  intended for those in the community who would value friends and fellowship and a chance to join in an activity with others.

Carers, family and friends welcome to come along as well.  Sessions cost £3.50.

Why not arrive early and have lunch in the Café ?

For the latest Friday Friends news, click here.  If you’d like to know more Email us

Crafty Space

One Saturday afternoon each month (normally the 2nd Saturday), for 10 months of the year.

  • We provide time, space, tea, coffee & cake.
  • You bring along the craft projects you’ve always meant to do.

A donation of £1.50 an hour is requested to cover cost of hall hire, tea, coffee & cakes.

For dates and more information, check the  Crafty Space Facebook page here, or  check the latest magazine here, or Email us

Carpet Bowls

Meets Saturday evenings, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, in the Church Hall most Saturdays.